Saturday, January 30, 2010


Sorry i never update my blog yesterday... i was sooo tired just because of cherlyn's party.... Sch was as usual.... but i was not hyper... After sch, i stayed back with some ppl because of some class matter.... ppl started to become angry and some even cry...(i almost but the problem was resolved just because of samuel... he really did a great job controlling the class.... after that, we was late 4 band... then we asked zoey if we could have lunch... she say yes.... then we looked 4 mr ahmad, and followed by miss wong... then we have lunch together with samuel, jj, hykal and niva... after that we go 4 band.... after band, i straight away go home cause my father pick me up as usual... and sorry samuel, jj and hykal cause i cannot follow u guys to bbt shop...

Today i have nothing to do.... soooo boring.... just doing my hw.... fetch my little bro to sch....then maybe i going to malaysia with my family....thats all...zzzzz...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The memories of TODAE...

A Suprising Day.....

Hi todae the most fun day that i ever have 4 this year.... It started off with a day at sch which is quite fun especially when jj is quite hyper... and during CME period, i need to act out in front of the whole class.... then after sch we plan to suprise cherlyn tai. Even though we had difficulties at first and cherlyn had to wait at the bus stop, we managed to find a place to suprise her....At first we buy a cake 4 her. then we go to the hill top of bedok reservoir and celebrate there. When cherlyn come, we throw water bombs at her. LOL... Then we ate the cake... Then we play games... played with poppers.... photo-taking session... Then go to bbt shop... We sit at the area in front of 7-eleven... We joke around, buy drinks as we are super thirsty.... We sit there 4 abt 15-20 min.... Then i need to go home.... so sad...How i wish that time would stop and we can hang around 4 a long period of time.... And not to forget, Thank u Hykal, Adam, Amir, JJ, Melvin and Aisyah for coming to the suprise party... And a BIG thank u to MELVIN, as he contribute a lot on this event.....and also a BIG thank u to NIVA, as she was the organiser 4 this event...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Doing HW with my little bro...

Todae sch is quite fun as me(as usual)..... Came to sch and wait 4 niva at the bus stop.... In sch i do my history hw cause i forget 2 do it. LOL. At 0730, i do my duty at parade square and assemble behing 1e1. After the pledge, something funny happened to my buddy. Her feet is stuck in the drain. haha. I cannot stop laughing. My buddy is really angry with me. Nvm....

Then it was Maths and Mr lee never come, sooo as promised, he set us a test and it is soooooo difficult. I bet i will fail 4 this test. As u know my maths sucks 2 the core. Then it was PE... i love FLOORBALL.

Todae our sitting arrangement is changed. Sooo, i have new grp mates which are Sally, Jeremiah and Bing Chang. Soooo, hello my fellow grp mates.

After sch, i go sectionals which was quite fun.... play eagle bend =P... Go home at abt 4.30pm. took 22 home. Reached home at abt 5.00pm.....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Busy Day.....

Wow. Todae is really a busy day 4 me. I need to do hw, i need to do the PW planning 4 my group. And the most that make me pissed off is our PW blog dont have a single post and it is not my duty to do it. sooo i have to do 4 my grp. But nvm, at least i finished all the things already. Now i can relax..... School was an average day 4 me except for maths and PW. Somebody in my class really made me pissed off but i just act normal....Nvm, just forget abt it....=P

Monday, January 25, 2010

Playing with my little bro...

An Average Day.....

Hi.... Todae i am really rushing through my hw cause i never do my hw on the weekends, but the hw need to be hand in tmr soooo i am lucky... School is quite fun todae... bnut i dont know how many ppl know that i lost my phone in class...nvm. And after sch, i go 4 sectionals until 3.30pm but it is quite boring witout niva by my side...LOL... Okay thats all.... got to go.... Oh ya.. HAPPY B'DAE NAOMI!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hate weekends....

I really hate weekends. nothing to do at home. Even though i often go out with my parents...... i prefer going to sch and spending time with my frenz. Todae, i wake up at 8+ cause i have religious class until 12 noon.... after religious class, ate lunch.....then clean my room.... wow todae really i have nothing to do. Cant wait 4 tmr, can meet all of my frenz and juz have fun, and not to forget tmr have sectionals. YIPEE!!! That all 4 now....

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A fun day at HIHS.....

Todae i hace to go to the HIHS(Holy Innocent High School) to do some duty..... samee goes to niva, brandon, jj and samuel. we like do nothing there but it was quite fun with my grp members which is Jess, Bobby, Niva & Syazwan...especially with our grp leader Bobby. We slack there do nothing. After our duty is done, we sat at the canteen, eat and play all the way. Eventually the event end earlier but we still receive the same amt of CIP hrs.=P......After the event, took 27 from Hougang interchange with the leaders... Reached home at abt 4+..... From there on the day is soooooo bored.........

Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy B'dae Raniska

Hi again. Wow this morning it rained quite heavily sooooo we have to go to our classroom. not forgetting that todae is ranish b'dae. Soooooooo HAPPY B'DAE RANISH!!!! And as usual i got pinced by her soooooo many times, i dont know why??? todae was quite a fun day for me especially band. lessons is as usual, of course. and after school we have band. before that i ate lunch with niva, as usual. todae's band was very fun as my section is all hyper and we kept laughing even though we have to score study...and most interesting is we get to learn new songs..... and after band me, niva, austin, hykal and jj walk to the bus stop except we go to different bus stop as the boys wanted to go somewhere else. And as usualpeople like hykal and austin keep making fun of niva and jj. soooooo, niva and jj hit them with their files and handbook. okay that all. bb.=P

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I am sooooo bored. i have nothing to do. sooooo i chat with niva and agnes for 1 hr??? Then i play my computer with my little bro. We play weird stuff and my little bro chat with niva. Okay gotto go.

Boring Day

Hi again.... today was sooo bored especially when there is no sectional.=C Maths laesson was quite boring. Eng- dont need to say. Go recess with niva and cherlyn as usual.History is quite fun as we doing the interview and i need to interview Favian Chua who is a chinese coolie. and he give stupid answers. LOL. Art is quite fun as we learn a new thing to do or else we pencil shading again. Geog quiz was quite tough as i didnt study.haha. and for CME, we go home late. Too bad. After that we go home, took 65 with Wan Wen. Saw sebastian and syaiful. Really hate sebastian.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Hi! This is my first day using blogger sooo this means that this is the first time i use blogger. I am soooo happy that i have a blog cause EVERYBODY in my class have blog except for me. Ya! Okay! Got to go! =P