Saturday, January 30, 2010


Sorry i never update my blog yesterday... i was sooo tired just because of cherlyn's party.... Sch was as usual.... but i was not hyper... After sch, i stayed back with some ppl because of some class matter.... ppl started to become angry and some even cry...(i almost but the problem was resolved just because of samuel... he really did a great job controlling the class.... after that, we was late 4 band... then we asked zoey if we could have lunch... she say yes.... then we looked 4 mr ahmad, and followed by miss wong... then we have lunch together with samuel, jj, hykal and niva... after that we go 4 band.... after band, i straight away go home cause my father pick me up as usual... and sorry samuel, jj and hykal cause i cannot follow u guys to bbt shop...

Today i have nothing to do.... soooo boring.... just doing my hw.... fetch my little bro to sch....then maybe i going to malaysia with my family....thats all...zzzzz...